Student Council
This council ensures working together. It instils leadership qualities through hosting programmes of personality development, celebrating significant national festivals, creating a platform for bringing out latent talents of the students.

Fine arts Association
This association gives equal opportunities for those who are good in cultural activities. Conducting Talent’s day, training in street play, drama, traditional dances, Yakshagana and Folk dances are the highlights.

Literary and cultural association
The writing skill of the students is nurtured. The students are encouraged to write articles, poems, drawings and compositions for the college wall magazine. The creativity of students is recognised and the associations tries to increase interaction between students through guest lectures, debates, pick and speak exercise, essay writing etc.

Arts association
This association embarked in bringing to the fore the importance of learning political and administrative missionary in rural setup. The students are exposed to various laws on women empowerment, Grama Sabha etc. Guest lectures in humanities is the highlight.

Commerce association
This association is engaged in conducting guest lectures on career guidance, Commerce related topics, deputing students to other colleges to compete in management fests, commerce quiz competitions. The association provides regular training for various aptitude tests through agencies. The idea is to increase employability of the students.

Sports and games association
An intense training is important to make students physically fit and strong. The students are prompted to participate in various events from interclass level to national level. The outstanding sports personalities are given extra push by giving vigorous coaching.

Ladies Association
This association is formed with an aim of women empowerment. The programmes conducted are centred on physical and mental health of lady students. Counselling for women students on their teenage problems is the highlight.

Parent - Teachers Association
This association acts as bridge between teachers & students. The parents are apprised of academic performance of the students. So this association contributes to the infrastructural development of the college.

This is the forum for unfolding all hidden urge for serving the nation at large. The students are integrated for common goal. The multi-dimensional programmes spread throughout the year makes students to sensitise themselves to all social, economic, health issues and issues of national importance. The two units of NSS have bagged national award in the year 1994 – 95. The students are inculcated with moral values and social values. NSS moulds complete personality of a student by providing all leadership qualities. The motto is ‘Not for me, but for you’.